You Can Plan for a Healthy 4th of July Holiday

Whether you are traveling, planning a “stay-cation” or day-tripping to the beach you can plan for a healthy 4th of July holiday.

Planning is essential to staying mindful and aware of what you will eat and more importantly what you will not eat. At festive occasions when alcohol is available, you want to be especially cognizant of your plans. For example, when dining out I like to remind my clients to order their food first then order their cocktail. It’s better to have the order placed and out of the way before your decision-making gets affected.

Holidays are fun and fabulous and should be about the social aspect of the event. There is probably nothing that you haven’t tried before, we have all had burgers and ribs and all the BBQ fixings so if you try to focus on eating a healthier menu this time you really won’t be missing out.  As always though, we want to live following an 80:20 principle which means that if the majority of the time we are mindful and conscious of eating clean and healthy, then on occasion it is ok to indulge (within reason). The idea is never to feel deprived but to understand which foods trigger negative behaviors and addictions. Keeping your eye on the prize, especially when on a weight loss journey is sometimes all the motivation you need.

If you will be a guest at a party or BBQ it’s a great idea to offer to bring something along that you know you like and can eat. This serves as a contribution to the party (you don’t need to bring a hostess gift if you bring a dish) and will ensure you have something to eat in case it’s all about the comfort food. A beautiful crudité or salad or a fresh fruit platter is usually always welcome at a house party.

If you know the hosts you can ask what is on the menu and be prepared. If you are dining out take some time to look over the menu online. It’s almost always available and you can have a plan before you head out the door.

Continue drinking water to stay full and focused.  Remember, you will get tipsy easier in the heat so if you are going to imbibe you should stay hydrated with lots of water between your alcoholic drinks. Lighter cocktails like spritzers or infused sparkling water with a splash of spirits are a good option to try.

Here is a recipe for a delicious and refreshing healthy cocktail you may like this summer:

BASIL Lime Cocktail

This lime cocktail is pleasant and refreshing, especially on a hot day.


  • 2 cups sparkling water
  • 4 basil leaves
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 shot vodka
  • Stevia
  • Lime wedges
  • Sea salt
  • Ice cubes


Add first 6 ingredients to a blender to combine. Serve over ice in a sea salt-rimmed glass with a lime wedge as garnish.

Have a Healthy & Happy 4th!

Yours In Good Health,




Wholey Fit Nutrition, LLC

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