Wholey Fit Nutrition Wellness Coaching Services
Health & Wellness Coaching can cover a dizzying array of subjects: from simple nutrition tips to complex exercise programs; from the most basic dieting advice to elaborate calorie-counting formulas; from feel good platitudes to psychological reprogramming. It’s no wonder so many who are looking to improve their own health become confused, frustrated, and demoralized.
The real question to ask is not just “What works?” BUT, “What will work for you?”
Having experienced the viscous cycle of weight loss and weight gain for years, I’ve learned to apply my experience, combined with my training, to develop a Wellness Program that is based on real-world health problems and realistic wellness expectations.
After a thorough health assessment to determine your needs as an individual, I will present you with a plan designed to help you reduce cravings, eat healthy while free of denial, and meet your personal weight and wellness goals. The process will look like this:
Personalized 6-Month 1-on-1 Holistic Wellness Packages
These packages include:
- 2-50 minute Consultations each month, in person or online
- E-mail Support between sessions
- Recipe ideas and inspiration for healthy food plans
- Simple and informative healthy eating tips to enjoy at home and work
- Customized coaching and support during your journey to a healthier you
- My personal commitment to your ongoing health, wellness, and continued success
This experience can literally be the adventure of a lifetime for you, one where – TOGETHER – we test your limits, while learning and growing into healthier, happier and more balanced individuals. I will use all of my training, experience, knowledge, support, commitment, and encouragement to help you reach your personal wellness goals!
6-Month Group Holistic Wellness Packages
In the real world, it’s a given that not everyone can afford the investment required to commit to a long-term, 1-on-1 Coaching Program. I want you to know that I understand completely. In fact, there are some real benefits to Group Coaching that are not realized in an individual coaching situation:
- Meet others who are struggling with the same challenges you are
- Encourage and support each other, beyond the immediate coaching environment
- Make friends with people who understand what you’re going through
- Continue to support and nurture each other beyond the end of your group coaching sessions
- Significant Savings over a 1-on-1 Coaching Program
My Group Coaching Program involves a 6-month commitment, but is offered at a significant discount. The groups will be strictly limited to a manageable number of participants, allowing me to focus on each member of the group without excluding anyone, and making it possible for each member to “get to know” the others. This is a critical element in the success of a group, as each of us will be able to support and encourage every group member more fully.
Wellness Kickstarter Programs
Sometimes, “going all-in” right away can be a bit scary. To help you jumpstart your healthier life, I’ve developed some short-term wellness programs that are quick and effective at building a foundation for making long-term changes that will lead to a better life.
- Green Smoothie Challenge – Green Smoothies are an effortless way to get your fruits and veggies into your diet. During the 7-Day Challenge you should find yourself feeling more energized, less bloated and having greater mental clarity. This is a quick and easy introduction to something that could become a healthy new routine for you.
- Seasonal Detox Programs – There are certain seasons each year when we all overindulge, right? Recovering from the end-of-year holidays is one such season, and I will offer my New Year New You Facebook Challenge every year. There will also be others, so stay tuned for more. You can find the schedule for my Seasonal Detox Programs on my Facebook Page.
- Custom Meal Plans – Discover foods that are healthy yet tasty, and that help to reduce cravings, splurges, and binge eating.
- Wellness Cooking Workshops
- Grocery Store Tour – An in-person tour of your grocery store or Farmer’s Market to help you learn the secrets of healthy shopping and how to read and understand food labels. Find out where they hide the Good Stuff, and bring it home to your family.
More Healthy Programs Coming Soon!
- Student Wellness Program – A 12-week wellness program for students who are home on vacation break, where we work on healthy nutrition and stress management.
- Year-round Detox and Cleansing – A Detox program to return your body to its natural “default” mode, allowing the changes you’re about to make to be more effective and efficient. These programs can be 7, 10 or 14 days in length.
- Smoothie and Juicing Science – A demonstration of how to make the best tasting, healthiest fresh juices and smoothies for you and your family.
- Managing Menopause – An innovative program of healthy diet and exercise that will moderate the effects of mid-life changes in women who are struggling to stay “normal”, even as you feel like you’re losing control of your body.
- 50+ Women’s Menopause Workshop – This is a group program where together we will cover a variety of topics related to Menopause, sharing experiences and offering support and encouragement to the group members. Each week we will cover a different subject, with the overall theme of effectively coping with the effects of Menopause for women over 50.
To learn more about me and my approach to Health and Wellness Coaching, visit my Meet Debbie Page.
If you’re ready to begin the Journey toward a better life, go here to Schedule your FREE Wellness Consultation NOW!
HEALTH COACH DISCLAIMER: Health coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Trained Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. As your health coach I do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your personal physician. It is my role to partner with you to provide ongoing support and accountability as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your health goals