For me, a mostly plant-based lifestyle makes sense. This has been referred to as “flexitarian” which I prefer since I actually don’t like labels and prefer to feed my body what it needs. I do get my nutrients, vitamins and minerals mostly from plants, legumes, nuts and seeds but occasionally I do eat eggs and seafood when I am in the mood.
But most people don’t know the difference between a plant-based, vegetarian or vegan lifestyle? There is a lot of information out there and definitely a lot of opinions but I want you to understand what I consider the important takeaways.
Veganism is a lifestyle but possibly even more a philosophy, based in large part on the ethical treatment of animals. This sometimes even more important than the health benefits of the lifestyle. Vegans eat veggies, fruits and plant-based products and other processed foods. The key for vegans is to not consume or use anything from animals including honey, eggs, dairy, leathers, fur and skin care.
Vegetarians eliminate all meat from their diet and eat foods mostly from plants. Vegetarians may also eat some less than healthy processed foods. For them the important thing is that what they eat are also made from plant-based products. Foods such as like imitation meats and poultry and faux fish are some of the foods that vegetarians may enjoy.
Vegetarians also have variations to the more strict only plant-based foods such as Ovo-Vegetarians who eat eggs, Lacto-vegetarians who also consume dairy, and Pescatarians who consume seafood.
A plant-based diet on the other hand consists of primarily whole, plant-based foods such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds for your protein and carbohydrates needs.
Originally, plant-based referred to a low fat, high fiber, vegetable-based diet with an emphasis on health as opposed to ethics. People who eat this way eat entirely or mostly all foods comprised of plant foods
This diet is often considered healthier because people who eat this way tend to avoid processed foods, added sugars and eliminate all, if not most, animal products from their diet including meat, fish dairy, eggs and animal byproducts.
To me, adopting this type of lifestyle has been life-changing. I am healthier than I have ever been, my immune system is very strong – this past year was a good testament to that, 2 family members I was living with and taking care of came down with mild cases of COVID-19 and I did not, nor did I have any reaction from the vaccine. I choose to think that it’s because I have built up a very strong immunity. My whole lipid panel, especially my cholesterol was the best it has ever been when I was following an entirely plant-based lifestyle and my numbers are still very good.
But life is about choice and you should make the best one for you and your family and your health. So… given the information presented, would you choose to eat a mostly plant-based diet and give yourself the opportunity to feel better, to be better than it may have ever felt- if only for to try it out for 30-days?