Healthy Habits for the New Year!

by | Dec 23, 2019 | Featured Blogs, Goal Setting, Health Tips, Self Love, Weight Loss, Weight Management

Are you concerned that 2019 is coming to a close and you haven’t achieved some of those big health-related resolutions you had made earlier this year?

Do you feel like your physical or emotional health is not where you would like it to be?

If your answer to the above questions was a resounding “Yes” then it’s probably time to form some new healthy habits. Once you have made these habits part of your routine you will find it so much easier to achieve your goals.

Here are some healthy habits you can start doing today that will make a big difference in your overall health and wellness and you will finally find yourself feeling better in your body

1. You should try to aim for at least 7-7 1/2 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is so important to your overall health and wellness If you don’t get enough sleep you are more likely to feel stressed, exhausted and foggy. And… adequate sleep is also necessary for you to manage your weight and physical health.

 2. Set your alarm and wake up earlier in the morning to exercise. It’s so easy to have trouble fitting your workout into your busy schedule, especially around the holidays. By waking up earlier you will get it done and out of the way and still have the whole day ahead of you to complete your tasks. I’ll bet this new habit will have you feeling so much more alert, invigorated and motivated to take on new challenges. 

*Be sure to first check with your medical professional before starting any new fitness regime.

 3. Getting fresh air sounds simple, but if you live in a colder climate during the winter months it may seem like a better idea to stay indoors around a cozy fire. However, taking your dog for a walk or just catching up on phone calls while walking outdoors or even going on a weekend hike are all great ways to feel refreshed and more energized and re-focused. Fresh air also helps your immune system to fight off disease more effectively.

 4. Mindfulness matters! Take time to enjoy your meals by disconnecting from your devices and enjoying your company or even your surroundings. Taking time to focus on your food will help you concentrate on the flavors and textures of the food and more importantly become more acutely aware of when you have had enough.

5. Drink more water. I am saying “more” because hopefully I’m assuming correctly that you already drink a good amount of water. A great habit to adopt is to drink at least 2 liters of water each day. Your body depends on water for your digestive system to function properly- to eliminate waste, to regulate body temperature, to deliver oxygen throughout the body and to keep the skin hydrated- among other things.

6. Journaling is a tool which makes it easier to see how things are progressing towards a goal. This can create a feeling of accomplishment, clarity, and awareness about how hard you are working toward something.

Your journal should be used to track your new habits. Remember to include the start date, what the habit is, why you are doing it. Be sure to record feelings each day to keep you focused and accountable.

If you feel like your habit isn’t quite giving you the results you wanted, don’t quit it just yet. Use your journal to really work out what has been going on and where you think it might be going wrong. It may be that you weren’t consistent or not working hard enough on the new habit. Journaling may help identify a small detail that may change how you feel about that new habit and whether you will make it part of your wellness routine.

Yours In Good Health




Wholey Fit Nutrition, LLC

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