How to Stick to Your Weight Loss Plan

by | Feb 19, 2019 | Featured Blogs, Goal Setting, Health Tips, Weight Loss, Weight Management

There are many reasons why most diets don’t work.  The very word “DIET” connotes a negative, sometimes even punitive reaction.  Whether it’s from the restrictions which lead to binge eating or the mere fact that it is unrealistic to have so many rules about what you can and can’t eat, everyone has a similar negative reaction when they discuss being on a DIET.

The rules about which foods are good and which are bad creates a negative mindset which often backfires and causes you to want that forbidden fruit (or donut). This diet mentality is a pattern you should break by giving up on these types of restrictive diets, and instead focus on fueling your body and staying nourished with the healthiest foods possible.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been on a restrictive diet and felt that euphoria that comes at the beginning. You just know this time it’s going to work. You will stick to it, lose weight and finally keep it off for good. Well it does work, that is until it doesn’t. Did you ever consider how diet programs like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and NutriSystem have all stayed in business for so long?

Invariably that day will come when you have a craving for something you’re not supposed to have. Somehow you get laser focused and can’t get it out of your mind which makes you want it even more. Eventually you give in, usually resulting in a binge session but most likely you end up feeling like a loser, and spend time beating yourself up over a slip up or mistake. If you are able to catch yourself it’s likely you will either go back on that diet or find one that is even more restrictive to repair the damage you did.

The only way to stop this unhealthy cycle, get back on track, and lose weight for good is to focus more on foods that are healthy and will nourish your body. It’s only by ditching this unhealthy diet mentality that you’ll be able to shift your entire mindset about food and your weight will finally change.

Mindfulness means that you are paying attention to your body and really reveling in each morsel of food, which in turn can allow you to determine which foods your body really loves. Similarly, you will be completely present during your meal, appreciating every bite, paying attention to the experience, and most importantly, noticing how your body feels when you eat certain foods.

Being mindful about your eating can help you to lose weight because you don’t overeat as much. You start figuring out what fuels your body by understanding more about the nutrients which are necessary to fuel your body. You learn to listen to your body’s cues and by changing your eating habits, you won’t be as likely to graze or snack all day long.

Something that takes a little more time is intuitive eating. This is where you learn how to listen to your body to decide what to eat and how much. There are no restrictions, and there is no calorie or carb counting or specific diets. Instead, you learn to notice when your body is satisfied versus full and stop eating before you’ve overdone it.

Exercise makes up about 20% of your weight loss journey and is a very important part of the equation for long term success. The problem isn’t starting a fitness program for most people, but keeping up with it. It’s important to remember that it isn’t the intensity that matters as much as the consistency.

Yours In Good Health 





Wholey Fit Nutrition, LLC



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