The avocado gives the pudding its rich creamy texture, plus healthy added fat. The hemp seeds add protein to this decadent treat.



Serves 2


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 3 T cacao powder
  • ¼ cup coconut, almond or hemp milk
  • 5 drops liquid stevia (or 3 T raw honey)
  • 2 mejool dates (pitted)
  • 1 T hemp seeds
  • 1 t vanilla
  • Pinch of Himalayan sea salt
  • Shredded coconut for topping

Add ingredients to a food processor and pulse to get a creamy consistency. Put in the refrigerator until ready to serve.  Dish into bowls, top with shredded coconut and Enjoy!

Debbie Janoff, CINHC
Wholey Fit Nutrition, LLC

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