Are You a Skinny Fat Person?

by | Feb 5, 2018

What would you think if you were told you were a skinny fat person? Woo Hoo, they said you were skinny but…

Once you get past the “compliment” you should know that there are a lot of people who appear to be thin and healthy on the outside but who suffer from high cholesterol, inflammation and may even be pre-diabetic on the inside. These people may even risk getting the same diseases as someone who is obese.


Some indicators of a skinny fat body are:

Most of the fat is in the mid-section, think muffin top or love handles

Low energy, brain fog

No significant strength training or weight training exercise in years

A diet consisting of mostly processed foods, sugar, and refined carbs

The good news is, as you can tell from the list above, you can correct most of these habits with food, exercise and lifestyle modifications.

For example:

Eat a balanced and healthy diet with mostly vegetables and fruits, including healthy sources of protein and whole grains.

Make sure to exercise consistently and include cardio as well as strength training.

Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated and flush out the impurities.

Get adequate rest to recharge your batteries.

Avoid stress whenever possible- duh!


If you think this describes you we can discuss ways to improve your food and lifestyle choices. I would suggest you make an appointment to see your physician and perhaps have some blood work done to make sure you are as healthy on the inside as you may look on the outside.


Yours In Good Health,




Wholey Fit Nutrition, LLC

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