3 Tips For A Healthy New You

by | Jan 4, 2021 | Featured Blogs, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle, Self Love

Happy New Year! So, you’re looking to get healthy. Understandable. It’s a new year, and it’s possible you put on weight during quarantine (I certainly did). Look no further, because there are three easy ways to get healthy and feel like a brand new you! Okay, it might be a lot easier said than done, but you’ll soon realize it’s a lot easier than you anticipated… 

1.  Adapt to An Exercise Routine 

You might hear a lot of people say that weight loss and/or health begins in the kitchen and that only 20% of it is exercise. Regardless of that, you should still be getting involved in regular activity, because being a couch potato will only hurt you in the long run.  

According to Medline, “Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.”  

So, even if you may not be directly looking to lose weight, exercise still helps benefit you internally.  

2.  Drink More Water

Don’t even bother to search up diet pills, magic green teas, or skinny wraps. The only thing you truly need is water. It’s the best aid for weight loss and overall health as it flushes out any toxins in the body. Sure, you might be running to the bathroom quite a bit, but if you drink most of your water earlier in the day at least you shouldn’t be up all night! 

Not only does it help aid weight loss, but it also keeps your skin clear, benefits your kidneys, and promotes proper bowel function. If you need to add some lemon, lime or even mint in for taste, go for it! Just avoid sugary add-ins.  

3.  Avoid Junk Food

This one is definitely much easier said than done, but I promise it’s possible.  It’s no secret why it’s so hard to kick a junk food habit; it’s addictive. While the fresh food movement is quickly picking up momentum, it’s easy to just grab what’s fast and convenient, which sometimes means fast food or junk food. 

According to Safety Health Magazine, “36.6 percent of adults – about 85 million – consumed fast food, including pizza, on a given day. The percentage was higher for people between the ages of 20 and 39 (44.9 percent) and 40 and 59 (37.7 percent).” It’s important to note that the younger you are, the easier it is to get the weight off.  

So, you’re better off developing healthy food habits sooner rather than later! 

Here’s to a new you and a Happy & Healthy 2021!

For a refreshing and simple way to make your plain water more interesting why don’t you try infusing it.


Lemon-Cucumber-Mint Infused Water

(You should change or add to this recipe to suit your tastes. I prefer to use all organic produce whenever possible)


Cucumber slices, (I prefer to use English or Persian cucumbers because they don’t have the seeds which can cause gas)

Lemon slices

Fresh mint leaves, stems removed


Add fresh cucumber slices, lemon slices and fresh mint leaves to a pitcher of water.

Let it for a little while so the flavors infuse into the water.

You can continue to add more water to replenish until the veggies begin to lose their vibrance. It should last a few days.

For more interesting recipes visit my website. If you are interested in discussing whether you would like to work with me to help you achieve your health and wellness goals please click here or email me at info@wholeyfitnutrition.com






Wholey Fit Nutrition, LLC



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